111th Congress, Vote 31; Senate #2
Childrens Health Insurance Program Reauthorization and Expansion
Official Title: To amend title XXI of the Social Security Act to extend and improve the Children's Health Insurance Program, and for other purposes.
HR 2: Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization and Expansion
Passed Senate Jan. 14, 2009, 66-32, 1 not voting.
- The bill expanded State Children's Health Insurance Program coverage from 6.6 million children to about 11 million children.
- It renewed SCHIP for five years at a cost of $60 billion, up nearly $35 billion from current levels, and, to fund the added costs, it raised federal tobacco taxes from 39 cents per pack to $1 per pack.
- The bill also enabled children of legal immigrants and legal immigrants who are pregnant to qualify immediately for SCHIP coverage, ending a five-year waiting requirement for both groups.
Why supporters pushed for this bill
President Obama summed up support when signing the bill in February 2009, saying that he was "fulfill(ing) one of the highest responsibilities we have: to ensure the health and well-being of our nation's children.
"Since it was created more than ten years ago, the Children's Health Insurance Program has been a lifeline for millions of kids whose parents work full time, and don't qualify for Medicaid, but through no fault of their own don't have – and can't afford – private insurance. For millions of kids who fall into that gap, CHIP has provided care when they're sick and preventative services to help them stay well. This legislation will allow us to continue and build on these successes."
Why Opponents Tried to Stop the Bill
The National Republican Trust called the legislation a "massive expansion of government run health insurance which goes far beyond the original scope of this program this legislation would expand its reach to 50 percent higher-income children and massively increases the number of eligible adults."
01/29/2009 | Status: Senate bill passed |
More: select a member to see his or her other key health care votes.
No (32) | ||
R | Jefferson Sessions | AL |
R | Richard Shelby | AL |
R | Jon Kyl | AZ |
R | John McCain | AZ |
R | Saxby Chambliss | GA |
R | John Isakson | GA |
R | Charles Grassley | IA |
R | Michael Crapo | ID |
R | James Risch | ID |
R | Samuel Brownback | KS |
R | Pat Roberts | KS |
R | Jim Bunning | KY |
R | Mitch McConnell | KY |
R | David Vitter | LA |
R | Christopher Bond | MO |
R | Thad Cochran | MS |
R | Roger Wicker | MS |
R | Richard Burr | NC |
R | Mike Johanns | NE |
R | Judd Gregg | NH |
R | John Ensign | NV |
R | George Voinovich | OH |
R | Thomas Coburn | OK |
R | James Inhofe | OK |
R | Jim DeMint | SC |
R | Lindsey Graham | SC |
R | John Thune | SD |
R | John Cornyn | TX |
R | Robert Bennett | UT |
R | Orrin Hatch | UT |
R | John Barrasso | WY |
R | Michael Enzi | WY |
Not Voting (1) | ||
D | Edward Kennedy | MA |