Rep. Henry Brown: key health care votes
These were House amendments to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, making financing and revenue changes. It made some adjustments to the health reform bill to mollify House Democrats who had sought a more aggressive reform bill [more]
Rep. Brown voted No, which we score as unfavorable.
On Motion to Concur in Senate Amendments: H R 3590 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act [more]
Rep. Brown voted No, which we score as unfavorable.
This was the first vote on a health reform bill and was basically the Democrats’ version. A different bill ended up becoming law. [more]
Rep. Brown voted No, which we score as unfavorable.
January 14, 2009
HR 2: Childrens Health Insurance Program Reauthorization and Expansion
Status: House passed
On Passage: H R 2 Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 [more]
Rep. Brown voted No, which we score as unfavorable.